
This document helps to explain how the number displayed in the BioPAN software are calculated using a small dataset as an example. The source code of this document can be found in this GitHub respository

About BioPAN

BioPAN (1) is a tool found in LIPID MAPS designed to automate biosynthetic pathway analysis of lipids.

Below is a YouTube video on how to use BioPAN.

The documentation of BioPAN provides a technical explanation of how the pathway scores are calculated.

More information can be found in this paper (2)



The analysis was done using the R Statistical language (v4.1.3; R Core Team, 2022) on Windows 10 x64, using the packages dplyr (v1.0.6), rmarkdown (v2.13), styler (v1.7.0), report (v0.3.0) and magrittr (v2.0.1).


The data used in this tutorial is taken from this paper (3)

Download Data

To download the data, scroll down to the “Supplementary data” Section and click on “giz061_Supplemental_Files”

Unzip the folder and go to Supplemental Data 6.csv

Data Preview

The data should look like this when opened

For this tutorial, a small subset is used

Data Description

Description for each column can be found here

BioPAN on Lipid Species

Active Case

Let us consider the pathway of PS(42:8) to PE(42:8) to PC(42:8).

The dataset are as follows:

samples <- c(
  "24h CON", "24h CON", "24h CON",
  "24h AA", "24h AA", "24h AA"

group <- c(
  "CON", "CON", "CON",
  "AA", "AA", "AA"

PS42_8 <- c(
  0.039096671, 0.048629063, 0.033723608,
  0.047177176, 0.041427748, 0.043042335

PE42_8 <- c(
  0.005358486, 0.00509418, 0.00489321,
  0.160215808, 0.151076058, 0.166159881

PC42_8 <- c(
  0.01543998, 0.015312104, 0.015252706,
  1.286319709, 1.083053662, 1.261169034

active_data <- tibble::tibble(
  Sample = samples,
  Group = group,
  `PS(42:8)` = PS42_8,
  `PE(42:8)` = PE42_8,
  `PC(42:8)` = PC42_8

Sample Group PS(42:8) PE(42:8) PC(42:8)
24h CON CON 0.0390967 0.0053585 0.0154400
24h CON CON 0.0486291 0.0050942 0.0153121
24h CON CON 0.0337236 0.0048932 0.0152527
24h AA AA 0.0471772 0.1602158 1.2863197
24h AA AA 0.0414277 0.1510761 1.0830537
24h AA AA 0.0430423 0.1661599 1.2611690

PS(42:8) to PE(42:8)

Compute the weight for product PE(42:8) over reactant PS(42:8) for each sample.

weights <- (active_data$`PE(42:8)` / active_data$`PS(42:8)`)
active_data <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(`PE(42:8) over PS(42:8)` = weights)

active_data %>%
Sample Group PS(42:8) PE(42:8) PE(42:8) over PS(42:8)
24h CON CON 0.0390967 0.0053585 0.1370573
24h CON CON 0.0486291 0.0050942 0.1047559
24h CON CON 0.0337236 0.0048932 0.1450975
24h AA AA 0.0471772 0.1602158 3.3960449
24h AA AA 0.0414277 0.1510761 3.6467360
24h AA AA 0.0430423 0.1661599 3.8603826

Compute a one-sided Welch \(t\)-test between the samples of interest (Group AA) and the control samples (Group CON).

aa_samples <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "AA") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PE(42:8) over PS(42:8)`)

control_samples <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "CON") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PE(42:8) over PS(42:8)`)

t1 <- t.test(aa_samples, control_samples, alternative = "greater")


Effect sizes were labelled following Cohen’s (1988) recommendations.

The Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between aa_samples and control_samples (mean of x = 3.63, mean of y = 0.13) suggests that the effect is positive, statistically significant, and large (difference = 3.51, 95% CI [3.12, Inf], t(2.03) = 26.01, p < .001; Cohen’s d = 21.24, 95% CI [3.37, 39.33])

cat(paste("$p$ value is", format(t1$p.value, scientific = TRUE, nsmall = 3)))

\(p\) value is 6.752038e-04

Convert the \(p\) value into a \(Z\) Score.

This is also the pathway score for PS(42:8) to PE(42:8).

z_score1 <- qnorm(1 - t1$p.value)
cat(paste("$Z$ score for `PS(42:8)` to `PE(42:8)` is", format(z_score1, nsmall = 3)))

\(Z\) score for PS(42:8) to PE(42:8) is 3.205046

PE(42:8) to PC(42:8)

Compute the weight for product PC(42:8) over reactant PE(42:8) for each sample.

weights <- (active_data$`PC(42:8)` / active_data$`PE(42:8)`)
active_data <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(`PC(42:8) over PE(42:8)` = weights)

active_data %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(.data$`PS(42:8)`, .data$`PE(42:8) over PS(42:8)`))
Sample Group PE(42:8) PC(42:8) PC(42:8) over PE(42:8)
24h CON CON 0.0053585 0.0154400 2.881407
24h CON CON 0.0050942 0.0153121 3.005803
24h CON CON 0.0048932 0.0152527 3.117117
24h AA AA 0.1602158 1.2863197 8.028669
24h AA AA 0.1510761 1.0830537 7.168930
24h AA AA 0.1661599 1.2611690 7.590094

Compute a one-sided Welch \(t\)-test between the samples of interest (Group AA) and the control samples (Group CON).

aa_samples <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "AA") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PC(42:8) over PE(42:8)`)

control_samples <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "CON") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PC(42:8) over PE(42:8)`)

t2 <- t.test(aa_samples, control_samples, alternative = "greater")

Effect sizes were labelled following Cohen’s (1988) recommendations.

The Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between aa_samples and control_samples (mean of x = 7.60, mean of y = 3.00) suggests that the effect is positive, statistically significant, and large (difference = 4.59, 95% CI [3.91, Inf], t(2.30) = 17.85, p < .001; Cohen’s d = 14.58, 95% CI [2.70, 27.26])

cat(paste("$p$ value is", format(t2$p.value, scientific = TRUE, nsmall = 3)))

\(p\) value is 8.112954e-04

Convert the \(p\) value into a \(Z\) score.

This is also the pathway score for PE(42:8) to PC(42:8).

z_score2 <- qnorm(1 - t2$p.value)
cat(paste("$Z$ score for `PE(42:8)` to `PC(42:8)` is", format(z_score2, nsmall = 3)))

\(Z\) score for PE(42:8) to PC(42:8) is 3.151815

Compute \(Z_{A}\) for pathway PS(42:8) to PE(42:8) to PC(42:8).

Recall the formula is defined as:

where \(k\) is 2 and \(Z_{i}\) are the pathway scores PS(42:8) to PE(42:8) and PE(42:8) to PC(42:8) computed earlier.

z_a <- (1 / sqrt(2)) * (z_score1 + z_score2)
cat(paste("$Z_{A}$ is", format(z_a, nsmall = 3)))

\(Z_{A}\) is 4.49498

With this settings,

Since \(Z_{A} > 1.645\), the pathway is classified as active.

Suppressed Case

Let us consider the pathway of PS(32:0) to PE(32:0) to PC(32:0).

The dataset are as follows:

samples <- c(
  "24h CON", "24h CON", "24h CON",
  "24h AA", "24h AA", "24h AA"

group <- c(
  "CON", "CON", "CON",
  "AA", "AA", "AA"

PS32_0 <- c(
  0.11392858, 0.080762026, 0.128541348,
  0.656895224, 0.800790573, 0.592724899

PE32_0 <- c(
  0.046063214, 0.043759251, 0.047335343,
  0.175927791, 0.183855506, 0.194325215

PC32_0_1 <- c(
  1.074150848, 0.726798053, 0.412228743,
  1.94494173, 1.520645133, 1.337827826

PC32_0_2 <- c(
  0.928888882, 0.964353269, 0.789633482,
  1.666428947, 1.375398801, 1.616097007

suppressed_data <- tibble::tibble(
  Sample = samples,
  Group = group,
  `PS(32:0)` = PS32_0,
  `PE(32:0)` = PE32_0,
  `PC(32:0) 1` = PC32_0_1,
  `PC(32:0) 2` = PC32_0_2

Sample Group PS(32:0) PE(32:0) PC(32:0) 1 PC(32:0) 2
24h CON CON 0.1139286 0.0460632 1.0741508 0.9288889
24h CON CON 0.0807620 0.0437593 0.7267981 0.9643533
24h CON CON 0.1285413 0.0473353 0.4122287 0.7896335
24h AA AA 0.6568952 0.1759278 1.9449417 1.6664289
24h AA AA 0.8007906 0.1838555 1.5206451 1.3753988
24h AA AA 0.5927249 0.1943252 1.3378278 1.6160970

BioPAN will give a warning on the duplicated transition PC(32:0) and sum them up.

suppressed_data <- tibble::tibble(
  Sample = samples,
  Group = group,
  `PS(32:0)` = PS32_0,
  `PE(32:0)` = PE32_0,
  `PC(32:0)` = PC32_0_1 + PC32_0_2

Sample Group PS(32:0) PE(32:0) PC(32:0)
24h CON CON 0.1139286 0.0460632 2.003040
24h CON CON 0.0807620 0.0437593 1.691151
24h CON CON 0.1285413 0.0473353 1.201862
24h AA AA 0.6568952 0.1759278 3.611371
24h AA AA 0.8007906 0.1838555 2.896044
24h AA AA 0.5927249 0.1943252 2.953925

PS(32:0) to PE(32:0)

Compute the weight for product PE(32:0) over reactant PS(32:0) for each sample.

weights <- (suppressed_data$`PE(32:0)` / suppressed_data$`PS(32:0)`)
suppressed_data <- suppressed_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(`PE(32:0) over PS(32:0)` = weights)

suppressed_data %>%
Sample Group PS(32:0) PE(32:0) PE(32:0) over PS(32:0)
24h CON CON 0.1139286 0.0460632 0.4043166
24h CON CON 0.0807620 0.0437593 0.5418295
24h CON CON 0.1285413 0.0473353 0.3682499
24h AA AA 0.6568952 0.1759278 0.2678171
24h AA AA 0.8007906 0.1838555 0.2295925
24h AA AA 0.5927249 0.1943252 0.3278506

Compute a one-sided Welch \(t\)-test between the samples of interest (Group AA) and the control samples (Group CON).

aa_samples <- suppressed_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "AA") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PE(32:0) over PS(32:0)`)

control_samples <- suppressed_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "CON") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PE(32:0) over PS(32:0)`)

t1 <- t.test(aa_samples, control_samples, alternative = "less")

Effect sizes were labelled following Cohen’s (1988) recommendations.

The Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between aa_samples and control_samples (mean of x = 0.28, mean of y = 0.44) suggests that the effect is negative, statistically significant, and large (difference = -0.16, 95% CI [-Inf, -0.02], t(3.08) = -2.71, p < .05; Cohen’s d = -2.21, 95% CI [-4.46, 0.16])

cat(paste("$p$ value is", format(t1$p.value, scientific = TRUE, nsmall = 3)))

\(p\) value is 3.551733e-02

Convert the \(p\) value into a \(Z\) score.

This is also the pathway score for PS(32:0) to PE(32:0).

z_score1 <- qnorm(1 - t1$p.value)
cat(paste("$Z$ score for`PS(32:0)` to `PE(32:0)` is", format(z_score1, nsmall = 3)))

\(Z\) score forPS(32:0) to PE(32:0) is 1.805256

PE(32:0) to PC(32:0)

Compute the weight for product PC(32:0) over reactant PE(32:0) for each sample.

weights <- (suppressed_data$`PC(32:0)` / suppressed_data$`PE(32:0)`)
suppressed_data <- suppressed_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(`PC(32:0) over PE(32:0)` = weights)

suppressed_data %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(.data$`PS(32:0)`, .data$`PE(32:0) over PS(32:0)`))
Sample Group PE(32:0) PC(32:0) PC(32:0) over PE(32:0)
24h CON CON 0.0460632 2.003040 43.48458
24h CON CON 0.0437593 1.691151 38.64672
24h CON CON 0.0473353 1.201862 25.39038
24h AA AA 0.1759278 3.611371 20.52757
24h AA AA 0.1838555 2.896044 15.75174
24h AA AA 0.1943252 2.953925 15.20093

Compute a one-sided Welch \(t\)-test between the samples of interest (Group AA) and the control samples (Group CON).

aa_samples <- suppressed_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "AA") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PC(32:0) over PE(32:0)`)

control_samples <- suppressed_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "CON") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PC(32:0) over PE(32:0)`)

t2 <- t.test(aa_samples, control_samples, alternative = "less")

Effect sizes were labelled following Cohen’s (1988) recommendations.

The Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between aa_samples and control_samples (mean of x = 17.16, mean of y = 35.84) suggests that the effect is negative, statistically significant, and large (difference = -18.68, 95% CI [-Inf, -3.83], t(2.39) = -3.30, p < .05; Cohen’s d = -2.69, 95% CI [-5.41, 0.12])

cat(paste("$p$ value is", format(t2$p.value, scientific = TRUE, nsmall = 3)))

\(p\) value is 3.175951e-02

Convert the \(p\) value into a \(Z\) score.

This is also the pathway score for PE(32:0) to PC(32:0).

z_score2 <- qnorm(1 - t2$p.value)
cat(paste("$Z$ score for `PE(32:0)` to `PC(32:0)` is", format(z_score2, nsmall = 3)))

\(Z\) score for PE(32:0) to PC(32:0) is 1.855541

Compute \(Z_{A}\) for pathway PS(32:0) to PE(32:0) to PC(32:0).

Recall the formula is defined as:

where \(k\) is 2 and \(Z_{i}\) are the pathway scores PS(32:0) to PE(32:0) and PE(32:0) to PC(32:0) computed earlier.

z_a <- (1 / sqrt(2)) * (z_score1 + z_score2)
cat(paste("$Z_{A}$ is", format(z_a, nsmall = 3)))

\(Z_{A}\) is 2.588574

With this settings,

Since \(Z_{A} > 1.645\), the pathway is classified as suppressed.

BioPAN on Lipid Class

Active Case

Let us consider the pathway of PC to PS to PE.

The dataset are as follows:

samples <- c(
  "24h CON", "24h CON", "24h CON",
  "24h AA", "24h AA", "24h AA"

group <- c(
  "CON", "CON", "CON",
  "AA", "AA", "AA"

PS42_8 <- c(
  0.039096671, 0.048629063, 0.033723608,
  0.047177176, 0.041427748, 0.043042335

PE42_8 <- c(
  0.005358486, 0.00509418, 0.00489321,
  0.160215808, 0.151076058, 0.166159881

PC42_8 <- c(
  0.01543998, 0.015312104, 0.015252706,
  1.286319709, 1.083053662, 1.261169034

PS32_0 <- c(
  0.11392858, 0.080762026, 0.128541348,
  0.656895224, 0.800790573, 0.592724899

PE32_0 <- c(
  0.046063214, 0.043759251, 0.047335343,
  0.175927791, 0.183855506, 0.194325215

PC32_0_1 <- c(
  1.074150848, 0.726798053, 0.412228743,
  1.94494173, 1.520645133, 1.337827826

PC32_0_2 <- c(
  0.928888882, 0.964353269, 0.789633482,
  1.666428947, 1.375398801, 1.616097007

active_data <- tibble::tibble(
  Sample = samples,
  Group = group,
  PS = PS42_8 + PS32_0,
  PE = PE42_8 + PE32_0,
  PC = PC42_8 + PC32_0_1 + PC32_0_2

Sample Group PS PE PC
24h CON CON 0.1530253 0.0514217 2.018480
24h CON CON 0.1293911 0.0488534 1.706463
24h CON CON 0.1622650 0.0522286 1.217115
24h AA AA 0.7040724 0.3361436 4.897690
24h AA AA 0.8422183 0.3349316 3.979098
24h AA AA 0.6357672 0.3604851 4.215094

PC to PS

Compute the weight for product PS over reactant PC for each sample.

weights <- (active_data$`PS` / active_data$`PC`)
active_data <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(`PS over PC` = weights)

active_data %>%
Sample Group PS PC PS over PC
24h CON CON 0.1530253 2.018480 0.0758121
24h CON CON 0.1293911 1.706463 0.0758241
24h CON CON 0.1622650 1.217115 0.1333193
24h AA AA 0.7040724 4.897690 0.1437560
24h AA AA 0.8422183 3.979098 0.2116606
24h AA AA 0.6357672 4.215094 0.1508311

Compute a one-sided Welch \(t\)-test between the samples of interest (Group AA) and the control samples (Group CON).

aa_samples <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "AA") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PS over PC`)

control_samples <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "CON") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PS over PC`)

t1 <- t.test(aa_samples, control_samples, alternative = "greater")

Effect sizes were labelled following Cohen’s (1988) recommendations.

The Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between aa_samples and control_samples (mean of x = 0.17, mean of y = 0.09) suggests that the effect is positive, statistically significant, and large (difference = 0.07, 95% CI [0.01, Inf], t(3.95) = 2.56, p < .05; Cohen’s d = 2.09, 95% CI [-0.11, 4.15])

cat(paste("$p$ value is", format(t1$p.value, scientific = TRUE, nsmall = 3)))

\(p\) value is 3.181857e-02

Convert the \(p\) value into a \(Z\) score.

This is also the pathway score for PC to PS.

z_score1 <- qnorm(1 - t1$p.value)
cat(paste("$Z$ score for `PC` to `PS` is", format(z_score1, nsmall = 3)))

\(Z\) score for PC to PS is 1.854714

PS to PE

Compute the weight for product PE over reactant PS for each sample.

weights <- (active_data$`PE` / active_data$`PS`)
active_data <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(`PE over PS` = weights)

active_data %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(.data$`PC`, .data$`PS over PC`))
Sample Group PS PE PE over PS
24h CON CON 0.1530253 0.0514217 0.3360341
24h CON CON 0.1293911 0.0488534 0.3775641
24h CON CON 0.1622650 0.0522286 0.3218720
24h AA AA 0.7040724 0.3361436 0.4774276
24h AA AA 0.8422183 0.3349316 0.3976778
24h AA AA 0.6357672 0.3604851 0.5670080

Compute a one-sided Welch \(t\)-test between the samples of interest (Group AA) and the control samples (Group CON).

aa_samples <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "AA") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PE over PS`)

control_samples <- active_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$Group == "CON") %>%
  dplyr::pull(.data$`PE over PS`)

t2 <- t.test(aa_samples, control_samples, alternative = "greater")

Effect sizes were labelled following Cohen’s (1988) recommendations.

The Welch Two Sample t-test testing the difference between aa_samples and control_samples (mean of x = 0.48, mean of y = 0.35) suggests that the effect is positive, statistically significant, and large (difference = 0.14, 95% CI [2.24e-03, Inf], t(2.46) = 2.62, p < .05; Cohen’s d = 2.14, 95% CI [-0.31, 4.46])

cat(paste("$p$ value is", format(t2$p.value, scientific = TRUE, nsmall = 3)))

\(p\) value is 4.841056e-02

Convert the \(p\) value into a \(Z\) score.

This is also the pathway score for PS to PE.

z_score2 <- qnorm(1 - t2$p.value)
cat(paste("$Z$ score for `PS` to `PE` is", format(z_score2, nsmall = 3)))

\(Z\) score for PS to PE is 1.660464

Compute \(Z_{A}\) for pathway PC to PS to PE.

Recall the formula is defined as:

where \(k\) is 2 and \(Z_{i}\) are the pathway scores PC to PS and PS to PE computed earlier.

z_a <- (1 / sqrt(2)) * (z_score1 + z_score2)
cat(paste("$Z_{A}$ is", format(z_a, nsmall = 4)))

\(Z_{A}\) is 2.485606

With this settings,

Since \(Z_{A} > 1.645\), the pathway is classified as active.

Rmarkdown Template

This Rmarkdown template is created by the Reality Bending Lab. The template can be download from the lab’s github repository. For more information about the motivation behind creating this template, check out Dr. Dominique Makowski’s blog post

Package References

  • Hadley Wickham, Romain François, Lionel Henry and Kirill Müller (2021). dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. R package version 1.0.6.
  • JJ Allaire and Yihui Xie and Jonathan McPherson and Javier Luraschi and Kevin Ushey and Aron Atkins and Hadley Wickham and Joe Cheng and Winston Chang and Richard Iannone (2022). rmarkdown: Dynamic Documents for R. R package version 2.13. URL
  • Kirill Müller and Lorenz Walthert (2022). styler: Non-Invasive Pretty Printing of R Code. R package version 1.7.0.
  • Makowski, D., Ben-Shachar, M.S., Patil, I. & Lüdecke, D. (2020). Automated Results Reporting as a Practical Tool to Improve Reproducibility and Methodological Best Practices Adoption. CRAN. Available from doi: .
  • R Core Team (2022). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
  • Stefan Milton Bache and Hadley Wickham (2020). magrittr: A Forward-Pipe Operator for R. R package version 2.0.1.


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